SeoYeon Lee, Regional Director: “I hope this exchange brings tangible results.”
Co-hosted with the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (COLCES)
Representative José: “Women's participation is essential in peacebuilding.”
The International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG) Global Region 2 (Regional Director SeoYeon Lee), together with the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce for Economic Entities (COLCES: Camara Colombiana de Entidades sin Animo de Lucro), held a meeting on the 24th of last month, bringing together approximately 300 women leaders for peace in Colombia.
The meeting was conducted under the theme "The Role of Women Leaders for Peace in Colombia", with in-depth discussions on methods for peacebuilding, maintenance, and contribution.
The Bogotá Chamber of Commerce for Economic Entities is an organization that leads promotion and cooperation for national and regional development and growth, with over 1,100 affiliated organizations worldwide.
José Cano, President of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, emphasized, “World peace and our nation’s peace are urgently needed. IWPG’s peace activities have been deeply moving, and women's active participation in peacebuilding is essential to continuously ensure an inclusive and equitable society.”
SeoYeon Lee, Regional Director of Global Region 2 IWPG, stated, “Today’s meaningful event marks the beginning of a friendly and cooperative relationship between our two countries. I hope that through in-depth exchanges that bring about concrete and practical results, this will be a valuable time to inspire the possibilities of a hopeful future and drive change and innovation.”
Milean, a founding member of the National Economic Roundtable and Director of the National Society and Regional Economic Services Chamber, remarked, “Women lead 52% of the public economy, and as men, we must first recognize how we can contribute to peacebuilding. This event in Colombia holds great significance in recognizing the vital role of women in the country’s peace process.”
A female member of Foundation Unids Seremos Escuchados stated, “In households, we must encourage respectful conversations and educate on peaceful conflict resolution. Peace education is necessary for inner peace so that new generations can consider the values of equality, tolerance, and respect.”
Meanwhile, IWPG is a global women's NGO registered with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Department of Global Communications (DGC), headquartered in South Korea. It has 114 branches in 123 countries and over 800 partner organizations in 68 countries. IWPG is actively engaged in spreading solidarity for peace that the world needs,, promoting a culture of peace, providing women’s peace education, and supporting and advocating for the "Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW)" to be institutionalized for the realization of sustainable world peace.
This exchange meeting is expected to further promote IWPG’s peace vision in the international community and strengthen peace cooperation with Colombia and other Latin American countries.
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